
work_quoteWell, to be frank, I never feel work as work! “I love what I do, and do what I love” hence I never felt anything so-called stress or work pressure.

I deliver talks on Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things, PhoneGap, and other latest tech frontiers.

What can I do for you?

I’m available for conducting the workshop for students, faculty, industry and general audiences.

  • Speak/ Organize Workshops (Demo and Hands-on) *based on the request.
  • Speak for a session as a resource person on Cloud Computing, Big Data and IoT (Internet of Things).
  • Address as a Key Note Speaker

On what topics I can speak on?

Due to my exhaustive learning in Life and experimentation, I have learned many kinds of stuff. But there are few in which I can talk about.

For Computer Science enthusiasts:

  1. Cloud Computing, CloudSIM
  2. Big Data (Hadoop, CloudEra, HortonWorks)
  3. Internet of Things (IoT) (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Johnny five, PubNub, IBM Bluemix)
  4. Virtualization and Dockers (Virtual  Machines and Dockers )
  5. Artificial Neural Networks with Neuroph
  6. Web Design
  7. Web Development
  8. OpenTech: Embracing Open Source Technologies
  9. Get started with Linux
  10. Get started with Python
  11. Cross Platform Mobile App Development (PhoneGap)
  12. Web Design using WordPress
  13. Single Page Web Apps (*using HTML5, Material Design, Bootstrap, etc)
  14. Research Directions in IoT (Internet of Things)
  15. Research Directions in Big Data
  16. Research Directions in Cloud Computing
  17. Research Directions in Artificial Intelligence
  18. Quantum Computing

For General Audience:

  1. IGNITE | How to Study?
  2. Digital Literacy
  3. Women and The Web (Awareness Program for Women against threats of Internet)
  4. Time Management
  5. Mastering Body Language
  6. Life Management
  7. Soft Skills
  8. Building Online Reputation Capital
  9. Spiritual Science (an initiative to bring spread the wisdom of ancestors to current generation)

Click here to book your workshop dates

What makes me unique?

For me, learning is fun. Research suggests, if you don’t enjoy learning the things won’t get into brain properly. Hence keeping this in mind I have articulated new methodology of expressing ideas. My talks are always blended with subject and humour. With this approach, most people feel lively and enjoy the process of learning and recommend me.

In short, you can say my sessions would be something like “Comedy Sessions with Pravin”.

The following quote sums up my Life

“If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.” ~Buddha

Here are what people say about me. Click Here to read more testimonials.