Why People Don’t Love You?

Everybody wants to be loved. Who doesn’t? With so many people around, we still feel not being loved. Most have questions like,
- Why don’t people like me?
- Why don’t people love me?
- Why does nobody care for me?
In the pursuit of finding the answer to these intriguing psychological questions of unloved ones I feel it is the opposite. Most of you may not agree with my thoughts shared here and that is ok.

The Whine:
Most people complain about not being loved enough by family and friends. People whine a lot about loved once not caring enough. Parents whine about their children are not caring enough. Children’s whine about not being loved by parents. Husband and wife whine about not be loved by their spouse. I really feel sad for those people who expect others to love them. If you narrow it down, it is either they are cold-hearted or you are not lovable enough. The real question you should ask themselves is “Are you lovable?”
Sometimes when the truth is hard to accept, we only see what we want to see.
Are you Loveable Enough?
Not everybody is bad at heart. you just need to give a reason to love you. Rather than complaining about why people don’t love you, you should focus on whether “Are you lovable enough? “. Nobody loves a person who is angry, arrogant, self-centred, gloomy, sombre. If you have enough courage to welcome others in your Life then definitely people will open up to you.
How to make people love you?
Expectations hurt. In this imperfect world, there is no way people will behave as you wanted. Even we fail to love at times. The best way to make people love you is to love yourself. Next, the best way to get love is to give love. Do your part, things will fall in place. This is not as hard as it seems, try it. You should understand and accept the fact that nobody is perfect in this world including you. Start treating people the same way you want them to treat you. Rather than judging people about how they are, we can start accepting as they are. As they say,
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.

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