How to give final year project presentation?

final project demonstration

Most of students who are final year academics will face the biggest question; How to give final year project presentation? Being a technological public speaker I would like to share few pointers regarding the same. So, I thought to write about it to help them to excel in final project demo and gain more marks. Note that the tips provided can be referred to make any kind of presentations.

final project demonstration

Let me share a funny example I gave to my students when they asked about ‘How external examiners treat them?’ My answer was simple. It is like you put down different types of crackers around you and examiners will burst whichever they like the most. 😉 Trust me this is how it goes. Most of the examiners’ questions are based on your presentation. The contents slides are the key points to explore about your project by your examiner.

Here are some tips on your slide(presentation) design:

1. Keep it simple

Most of the beautiful things are simple, so why don’t you follow that!

2. Keep font big (30 px onward is preferable)

Bigger fonts make the audience to get your points well. It also helps to read faster and makes an impact.

3. Use pictures appropriately.

Add pictures in big size if it is important. Also, don’t make pictures to small to make impact

4. Don’t mention more than 6 points in each slide

6 points would be perfect. More points lead to clutter and poor reading.

5. Add one those points which you are good at.

This is important because it boosts your confidence. Don’t add points which you are not good at! It’s like killing oneself.

6. Don’t use too many colours.

This creates eye distraction. Use complementary colours and either white or black background (gradient if it suits) are suggested.

7. Avoid too much CAPITALIZATION.

More capitalization leads to clutter and distraction.

8. Don’t use too much animation.

Animations are impressive if you wisely use it. Better to avoid for technical presentations.

9. Don’t use sound effects.

This trend is outdated and avoid it any cost!

Here is a sample presentation made on How to give final year project presentation? from contents of this post. But hope you will get the pointers of how to give your presentation.

Here are some tips at the moment of giving final year project presentation:

Check your equipment in advance.

This is for your safety. Check out for your laptop battery, presentation free of virus infections, internet connectivity, etc., For CS students, check for Servers and DB up and live. (I recommend saving copy of your final year project presentation in the cloud like Google Drive. Personally, I create all my presentations using Google Slides.)

Dress Code:

Wear decent formals. Do not wear too bright colors or too pale clothes. Tuck in your shirt properly. It is highly recommended to wear the uniform of your if you have any.

Do not fear, this is not the end of the world!

Relax. Nothing gonna happen. Just think you are presenting for yourself and give your best.

Trust your teachers.

You may hate them but they are your godfathers to puppet you. If you have maintained good rapport with them. Nothing to be feared of.

Don’t skip slides!

Skipping gives the impression that you are in hurry or you have not prepared well. Skip only when the examiner/external asks you to do so.

Don’t read it like a textbook.

Your idea is to present not read, the audience can read well. Don’t worry about it. If necessary carry small handouts to help yourself.

Talk in an audible tone and don’t engulf words.

It is very important to talk in an audible tone, either not too loud or too feeble.

Use podium to defend yourself if you have stage fear.

If you are not comfortable to present casually then you can use the podium to defend and present well without fear.

Smile and make eye contact while presenting.

Human beings are moved by emotions hence it is important to smile and make eye contact.

Don’t Apologise

Apologizing that you didn’t prepare well or present puts you in bad condition.

Keep time in check

Keeping time in check is important. They don’t have the patience for your rubbish points.

Some tips on Q & A, after the presentation:

Ask yourself possible questions on your content and keep answers ready.

Learn to say NO rather confusing answers.

Ask your teammate to help out by giving hints. That is what teamwork is.

Confess the truth, if examiners prove that “It is ready-made project”, Say “Thank You” even if they made you cry!

It always helps out to give a dry run either before your friends, internal guides or mentally with yourself.  Remember

“The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle!”

To get more ideas and design principles I recommend to go through my presentations here.

Share this, so that you can help out your friends and loves ones.

Praveen Hanchinal

Praveen Hanchinal is an Educator, IT Consultant, Professional Speaker on Artificial Intelligence (AI, ML, DL), Cloud, Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things) and BlockChain. Have been working on AI, Cloud, Big Data, IoT technologies for 9.0 years. He is a Team Lead, Educator, IT Consultant, trains and gives talks on topics of his interest and educates people. Trained around 11000+ people which include teachers, students, industry professionals and government officials on recent technologies.

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