A Trek to First Light Photography

As I had been to Binkadkatti for my brother’s engagement. The hill beside his home was calling me. It was 6:00 am. Started my trek. Though the hill seemed easy to climb, it was not. But it was worth the 360 view post 30 mins trek. It was two haunting buildings.
Rising like Sun:
Here is my first shot called “Rising like Sun”. This was captured in morning using self-timer. Standing at right place was challenging but I nailed the first shot.
This little room on top of the hill may be used as a watch tower.
Abandoned Radio Station:
To enter into abandoned radio station I was greeted with this fence:
Then trespassed this gate:
The abandoned radio station was haunting but I got some great shots. Among them these were interesting:
While back-pedaling forsaken mill seemed interesting for me in black and white:
This place is interesting. Give a try. Conclusion: Abandoned places are not only haunting but are beautiful too.
Looking for people with the camera for exploring the new frontiers. Anyone willing to can contact me.
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